A downloadable Programming Language



Welcome to the official documentation for EZCode, a powerful programming language designed to make coding easy and efficient. This wiki serves as a comprehensive resource for developers, providing detailed information on the language, its features, and how to use it effectively. 


Here's a simple example of an EZCode program that creates a window with a button. When the button is clicked, it displays a message in the console.

method start
    // Create a new window with quit event
    window mainWindow new : text: Hello EZCode!, width: 300, height: 200
    event mainWindow close Quit
    // Create a button with click event and display it in the window
    button btnClickMe text: Click Me, width: 100, height: 30
    event btnClickMe click BtnClick
    window mainWindow display btnClickMe
    // Open the window and keep it open
    window mainWindow open
    await true
// Method for the button click event
method BtnClick
    print Hello from EZCode!
// Method to quit program when window closes
method Quit
    stop all

This program creates a window with a button. When you click the button, it prints "Hello from EZCode!" to the console. When the Window closes, the program ends.


EZCode's supported file extensions are '.ezcode' and '.ezproj'. The ezcode extension should have EZCode in it with its specific syntax. The ezproj has the EZProject Syntax that acts as the entry part for the program.


EZCode has simple syntax designed to make coding easy. There are two sets of syntax, the main one being EZCode. The second syntax is EZProj


There are many programs that make up EZCode. To make it simple and prevent any errors, [EZCode Installer](https://github.com/JBrosDevelopment/EZCode/releases/latest) was created to download the necessary programs and give optional installation for other programs. One of the programs (Test Environment) isn't on the Installer because it isn't made for just any user. If that is something that you might like to install, download it directly from GitHub yourself! The current list of the programs available to download from the Installer are: EZ Player, EZ Player, and the EZ Integrated Development Environment (IDE)


The EZCode API can be found in the API Docs.


You can find EZCode at The Official EZCode Website. You can also find it on the JBros Development Page.


Thank you for choosing EZCode! We hope this wiki helps you become proficient in EZCode programming. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to ask in the discussion board. Also join our Discord Server

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